Niagara Naturists News
August 3, 1019

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Three events to be thinking about. The date for our next Meet and Greet will be AUGUST 10th.  It will be at the Hillview Restaurant which is located at 6135 Transit Road, Depew, NY. They have a private meeting room. We will start at 5:45 PM. 

Anybody can come to our dinner meetings.  Please come, ask questions, and see what the club is all about.  All are welcome.   More information regarding membership can be found on our membership web page. 

 Al is coordinating this event you should contact him at so he can have a good count of who is going. There maybe opportunities for car pooling. White Thorn's web page is  Click here for more information found in a past newsletter


September 14, 2019

It made it's debut in 2018 at Howe Caverns and now the crew is ready to do it again next year. Mark your calendars for the 2nd annual Naked in A Cave on September 14th 2019. This event has become so popular it has it's own Facebook Page. Several Niagara Naturists members made the trip last year and many more are going this year. Rooms are filling up quick as well as space for the cave tour.  We will be carpooling to this event also. Check their Facebook Page for reservations.  Also, let us know if you are planning to attend so we can somewhat coordinate things.

How Becoming A Nudist Helped Me Accept My Body'

"If people twice my age and size can bare it all and love their bodies, why can’t I?"

By Anonymous Women’s Health

Dec 14, 2017


As I sat in a parking lot on a frigid February night, trying to get up my nerve to walk inside the athletic club, a man with a shocked face rushed out of the building.

“Damn, they’re having some kind of wild party in there,” he said, saying he peeked into the pool room. “It’s a bunch of naked people!”

I started giggling, because in a few minutes, I was going to become one of said naked people.

My name is Blaine*, and I am a nudist. (Alright, go ahead and say it: “Hi Blaine!”)

Obviously, being a nudist isn’t something that just happens overnight. I’m an outgoing woman who loves chatting with people. But frankly, I was used to doing it the conventional way, with clothes on—until that fateful night almost five ago, when I joined that nudist party at the athletic club.

Ever since my college days, I have been sleeping in the nude, even in the dead of winter. I often hang out at home in the buff. I'm generally pretty comfortable with myself naked. But five years ago, after years of yo-yo dieting, I was at my heaviest weight. I definitely felt self-conscious about my size.

I had what you could call an “Oh, f—k it!” kind of moment in the months leading up to my birthday that year. I always felt good naked—why couldn't I feel like that all the time? I worked up the courage to try nudism as an act of confidence and freedom, and started reading about the nudist world. After lots of searching, I found a nudist group in my area that I thought I could try out. So a few weeks after my birthday, I wore my birthday suit to that athletic club. Now, I am going on five years in this clandestine lifestyle.

There are a lot of misconceptions about nudists. People assume it is all about sex, or that it's just a bunch of creepy, lecherous old men. But that hasn't been my experience at all. In fact, my delicious hobby—indulged by semi-monthly indoor swim parties, and summer trips to a nudist camp—has transformed my life.

Going to nudist events made me realize quickly that there is no "perfect" body. Nudists (or naturists, if you will) consider the human body a beautiful creation, and something of which no one should be ashamed. All your "flaws" are out in the open when you're naked—but then again, so are everyone else's. I see people of all ages, sizes, and body conditions. And none of them are alike. Breasts come in many shapes and sizes. Penises come in both “show-ers and grow-ers,” and circumcised and uncut. Most, if not all, bodies have scars, growths, and cellulite. You just don’t see these differences when people wear clothes. If people twice my age and size can bare it all and love their bodies, why can’t I?


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